Marco Silva
Operações unitárias em química. Práticas laboratoriais
Realização de trabalhos laboratoriais de Química com ênfase em operações unitárias, reacções de oxidação redução, cinética enzimática e síntese de compostos.
Segurança em Laboratório
Reacção Redox: O Vanádio
Equação de Nernst
Determinação de Ca e Mg em leite
Cinética enzimática
Sintese de Sabão
Síntese de Polímeros
Destilação simples e fraccionada
Vários docentes e investigadores do DQ
Actualização de conhecimentos
Professores do Ensino Secundário.
Os candidatos têm de ter pelo menos 23 anos de idade.
Marco Gomes da Silva
Education: 2012 Habilitation in Chemistry; 1998 Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry; 1991 Exam of Pedagogical Aptitude and Scientific Capacity in Organic Chemistry by NOVA FCT in the Group of Disciplines of Fundamental Organic Chemistry; 1989 Degree in Applied Chemistry – Organic Chemistry.
Current position: Associate Professor with Habilitation, NOVA FCT
Academic Path: Assistant Professor with Aggregation (Dept. of Chemistry, NOVA FCT); Assistant Professor in the Group of Disciplines of Fundamental Organic Chemistry (Dept. of Chemistry, NOVA FCT); Assistant in the Group of Disciplines of Fundamental Organic Chemistry (Dept. of Chemistry, NOVA FCT); Trainee assistant in the Group of Disciplines of Fundamental Organic Chemistry (Dept. of Chemistry, NOVA FCT); Assistant Teacher in the Group of Disciplines of Fundamental Organic Chemistry (Dept. of Chemistry, NOVA FCT).
Total number of curricular units taught: 25 (24 as responsible and/or regent).
Scientific areas of the curricular units taught: Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Chromatographic Methods, Quality Control in the Laboratory, Information Systems and Documentation and Industrial Property.
Ph.D. Supervisions: 4 completed; 6 ongoing;
Postdoctoral Supervisions: 3 completed;
M.Sc. Supervisions: 20 completed;
Ph.D. Program Coordinator: 2 (Ph.D. in Chemistry and Ph.D. in Food Science, both not financed by FCT IP)
Collaboration in projects:
Ongoing: 4 (of which, 2 with companies); Completed: 31 (of which, 9 were financed by companies.
Co-author of:
Book chapters: 11;
Publications with scientific peer reviewing: 83 ( includes 3 submitted and 3 in preparation);
Patents: 2 (National patents)
Total of citations: 1342 (Web of Knowledge); 2108 (Googlescholar, 11th December 2023);
H-index: 23 to 27 depending on the search engine*;
Oral presentations: 63; Poster presentations: 144.
* Identification as a researcher (search engines)
Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-6604-2011
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1761-7376
Googlescholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=6-RGF...
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marco_Silva12/reputation
Webofscience: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/alldb/summary/marked/relevance/1?marked...
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/2793443/marco-diogo-r-gomes-da-silva
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/results/savedList.uri?sort=plfdt-f&listId=4272186...
Sem avaliação
Data de candidatura:
Duração do curso: 21 horas
Formato: presencial
Horário: 4ª feira das 14 às 17h
Modalidade: semanal
Número de ECTS: