Qui, 30 novembro 2017, 15:00 - 16:00
Tipo de evento:
Local do evento:
Room 217D- Edifício Departamental
Localização específica:
Room 217D- Edifício Departamental
Ricardo Chagas: Can white wines be allergic to sulfites?
Ricardo Chagas is a Food Engineer and did a Master degree in Viticulture and Enology.
Ricardo is doing his PhD in Sustainable Chemistry with Luisa Pinto Ferreira. His research is focused in Protein haze formation in white wine and alternative stabilization technologies of white wines.
Ricardo's hobbies include bodyboarding, and lately his main hobby is to ferment different things: Ricardo makes wine, beer and kombucha among other things.
Cíntia Carreira:The pH effect on the denitrification pathway of Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus and nitrous oxide reductase
Cíntia Carreira did her degree in Biochemistry and master in Biotechnology at FCT UNL.
Cíntia is doing her PhD in Biochemistry under the supervision of Isabel Moura and Sofia Pauleta.
She has spent three months doing research on Professor Einsle’s lab in University of Freiburg, Germany.
Her research is focused on biochemical, spectroscopic and structural characterization of the catalytic site of nitrous oxide reductase.
Outside the lab Cíntia enjoys going to the cinema and to travel.