

Maria Paulina Estorninho Neves da Mata

Professora Auxiliar
Secção de Química

Publicações Representativas

“The Cahn, Ingold and Prelog System: eliminating ambiguity in the comparison of diastereomorphic and enantiomorphic ligands”. P. Mata, A. M. Lobo. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 16 (13), 2215-2223, 2005.

“Cientistas de Palmo e Meio – Uma Brincadeira Muito Séria”. P. Mata, C. Bettencourt, M. J. Lino, M. Sousa Paiva. Análise Psicológica, XXII (1), 169-174, 2004.

“The CIP System Again: Respecting Hierarchies Is Always a Must”.P. Mata. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 39, 1117-1118, 1999.

“Implementation of the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog System for Stereochemical Perception in the LHASA Program”. P. Mata, A. M. Lobo, C. Marshall, A. P. Johnson, Journal of Chemi¬cal Information and Computer Sciences, 34, 491-504, 1994.

“SPROUT: Recent Developments in the de novo Design of Molecules”, V. J. Gillet, W. Newell, P. Mata, G. Myatt, S. Sike, Z. Zsoldos, A. P. Johnson, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 34, 207-217, 1994.