

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

Precision in Every Spectrum, Excellence in Every Analysis

The NMR Facility at the Chemistry Department of FCT-NOVA is integrated into the Portuguese Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Network (PTNMR). As a pioneer in Portugal in applying NMR to determine protein structures, our facility continues to lead in advanced molecular analysis.

NMR is a crucial non-destructive technique for obtaining structural, physicochemical, and electronic information in both solid and liquid states. It not only provides molecular structure data but also insights into molecular dynamics.

We support numerous research projects focused on determining the structure and dynamics of proteins, other biomolecules, natural products, and complex organic molecules. Our primary research areas include studying molecular interactions and molecular recognition across various chemical and biochemical systems.


Our Equipment:

  • Bruker Avance III 600
  • Bruker Avance III 400
  • Bruker NEO 500
  • Bruker Avance III 400 - Service


Our Services:

We offer routine NMR services to support in-house synthesis and chemical (bio)engineering research groups. Our facility also provides external services, specializing in the chemical and structural characterization of fine chemicals. Our services include:

  • Structural Characterization of Small Molecules
  • Structural Analysis
  • Contaminant Identification
  • Quantitative NMR (qNMR)
  • Identification and Characterization of Biologically Active Compounds (Drug Screening)
  • Determination of Three-Dimensional Protein Structures


What Sets Us Apart:

  • Advanced, Customized, and Expert Consulting: Tailored solutions to meet your specific research and industrial needs.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Our advanced NMR equipment ensures unparalleled accuracy.
  • Comprehensive Support: From structural characterization to molecular dynamics, we provide detailed insights and expert interpretations.

Services and Conditions:

(Consult here)

Access to Forms:

  • Form for NOVA-FCT Users
  • Form for External Users

For more information (pricing and feasibility of specific analyses), contact the service technician or the responsible researcher (Dr. Ana Sofia Ferreira).

Contact Information:

NMR Service: nmr.service@fct.unl.pt

Dr. Ana Teresa Lopes: analopes@fct.unl.pt

Dr. Ana Sofia Ferreira: asd.ferreira@fct.unl.pt

NOVA-FCT Department of Chemistry / Faculty of Science and Technology
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Tel: +351 212 948 300 (ext: 10958)