

X-Ray Crystallography

Single Crystal X-ray Structure Determination 


The X-ray Diffraction Facility at the Chemistry Department of FCT-NOVA provides a Crystallography Service for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of small molecules:

- Unit cell parameters and space group only

- Complete data collection only (Room temperature or under refrigerated nitrogen gas stream)

- Complete data collection and structure determination

- Absolute configuration determination


Crystals are evaluated under the polarizing microscope and selected if suitable for X-ray data collection and structural analysis. Data is obtained in the in-house X-ray diffractometer (Bruker D8 Venture with Mo-Kα and Cu-Kα microfocus dual source), and collected on a Photon 100 CMOS detector, according to experimental requirements. Dedicated software permits indexing, integration, scaling of data and 3D structure solution.


The 3D structure determination can be required under

1- Co-authorship

2- Service

Service and Price List (the prices shown do not include the additional VAT)



(70% discount)

Other Universities and Public Institutes

(50% discount)

Private Institutes, Companies, Industry

Advice on crystallization of quality crystals

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

Crystal evaluation, selection and mounting

free of charge

free of charge

free of charge

Unit Cell Determination

(crystal system, space group and unit cell parameters)

15 Euros

25 Euros

50 Euros

Complete data collection

30 Euros

50 Euros

100 Euros

Crystal Structure determination*



60 Euros

90 Euros

100 Euros

150 Euros

200 Euros

300 Euros

Liquid nitrogen  

(Low temperature data collection surcharge)

0, 86 Euros/L

0, 86 Euros/L

0, 86 Euros/L

Unsuccessful analyses**

no charges

no charges

no charges

500€ Package Discount




1000€ Package Discount




New users

Second structure


Second structure


Second structure


Utilization fees

15 Euros

15 Euros

15 Euros

* Includes: crystal mounting, data acquisition, structure solution and full refinement to publication quality
standards where possible, preparation of tables, CIF files and 1-3 diagrams for publication or reporting
purposes and determination of absolute configuration where possible. Co-authorship also includes submission
of CIF files do The Cambridge Structural Database and structure analysis.

** Due to bad crystal quality or equipment malfunction.

& Same cost or less to the first structure (non-cumulative with other offers)

Service request is done through an online form:




Dr. Clara Gomes - Service Responsible (xray.service@fct.unl.pt, LAQV)

Dr. Ana Luísa Carvalho – Responsible for X-ray Infrastructure (almc@fct.unl.pt, UCIBIO)


Crystallography Lab (http://sites.fct.unl.pt/xtal)


Research Team leader: Prof. Maria João Romão (mjr@fct.unl.pt)

Departamento de Química / Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal


Tel: 351-21294 83 00 (ext: 10962; 10915)


Infrastructure financed by FCT-MCTES through project RECI/BBB-BEP/0124/2012