

Sophia Hober | Seminar

Tue, 20 March 2018, 16:00 - 17:00
Tipo de evento: 
Localização específica: 
Room 217D- Edifício Departamental

Sophia Hober 
KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

A Protein A-Derived Domain with Calcium-Dependent Affinity for Use in Antibody Purification

Host: Ana Cecília Roque


The use of antibodies in diagnostics and therapy is constantly growing and the most common method for purification of antibodies is Protein A affinity chromatography. This method normally gives pure and highly concentrated antibodies. However, when eluting the antibodies from the column, low pH is needed and this can be deleterious for certain antibodies. We have addressed this by developing an engineered protein, ZCa, that has a calcium dependent binding to IgG and thus can be used for antibody purification under mild conditions. The development of the ligand, the molecular explanation of its behavior as well as its use in IgG purification will be discussed. 
Short Bio

Sophia Hober is Professor of Molecular Biotechnology at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. She is part of the executive management team of the Human Protein Atlas and from 2011 to 2015 part of the executive management team at KTH. She has published more than 100 scientific papers and supervised 17 PhD-students to their dissertation. <
For more information about the research of the group, please visit The Hober Lab