

Teresa Maria Fonseca de Moura

Associate Professor with Habilitation
Biochemistry and Biophysics Section
(+351) 212948300
(+351) 212948550

Main Publications

"Water transport in intact yeast cells assessed by fluorescence self quenching" G. Soveral, A. Veiga, M.C. Loureiro-Dias, T. Moura. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73 (7), 2341-2343, 2007

“A Mathematical Model of the Diluting Power of the Cortical Thick Ascending Limb (cTAL) of the Loop of Henle”. João. C. Dias, Frederico. C. Ferreira, H. G. Ferreira, Teresa. F. Moura. J. Memb. Biol., 214 (1-2), 59-73, 2006.

“Water Channels Are Important For Osmotic Adjustments of Yeast Cells at Low Temperature”. G. Soveral, A. Veiga, M .C. Loureiro-Dias, P. Van Dijck, T. Moura. Microbiology, 152, 1515-1521, 2006.

“Clomipramine Induces the Opening of Na+ Channels in the Frog Skin Epithelium”. P. Alves, I. Graça, T. Moura. Pharmacology and Toxicology, 90, 161-168, 2002.

“Osmotic Equilibrium and Elastic Properties of Eel Intestinal Vesicles”. P. Alves, G. Soveral, R. Macey, T. Moura, J. Memb. Biol., 171, 171-176, 1999.

“Membrane Stress Causes Inhibition of Water Channels in Brush Border Membrane Vesicles From Kidney Proximal Tubule”. Graça Soveral, Robert I. Macey, Teresa F. Moura. Biology of the Cell, 89, 275-282, 1997.