- Particles Engineering: production, formulation and characterization of micro and nanoparticles
- Nanotechnology: functionalized nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery
- Colloid Science: separation of biomolecules; membrane technology
- A. Bicho, Inês N. Peça, A.C.A. Roque, M. Margarida Cardoso, “Anti-CD8 conjugated nanoparticles to target mammalian cells expressing CD8”, Int. J. of Pharm., 399, Issues 1-2, 80-86, 2010.
- Ana R Brás; João P Noronha; Alexandra M M Antunes; Maria M Cardoso; Andreas Schonhals; Frédéric Affouard; Madalena Dionisio; Natália T. Correia, “Molecular motions in Amorphous Ibuprofen as Studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy”, J. Phys. Chem. B.,112, 11087 – 11099, 2008.
- Mariana Sousa Costa, Ana Rita C. Duarte, M. Margarida Cardoso, Catarina M. M. Duarte, “Supercritical antisolvent precipitation of PHBV microparticles”, Int. J. Pharm., 328 (1), 72-77, 2007
- Mariana S. Costa, M. Margarida Cardoso, “Effect of uniform sized polymeric microspheres prepared by membrane emulsification technique on controlled release of anthracycline anti-cancer drugs”, Desalination 200, 498–500, 2006.
- Duarte, A. R. C., Gordillo, M. D., Cardoso, M. M., Simplício, A. L., Duarte, C. M. M., “Preparation of ethylcellulose/methylcellulose blends by supercritical antisolvent precipitation”, Int. J. Pharm., Int. J. Pharm., 311, 50-54, 2006.
- Ana Rita C. Duarte, Mariana Sousa Costa, Ana Luísa Simplício, Maria Margarida Cardoso, Catarina M. M. Duarte, ”Preparation of controlled release microspheres using supercritical fluid technology for delivery of anti-inflammatory drugs”, Int. J. Pharm”, Int. J. Pharm, 308, 168-174, 2006.
- I. M. Coelhoso, M. M. Cardoso, R. M. C. Viegas, J. P. S. G. Crespo, “Transport mechanisms and modelling in membrane contactors”, Separation and Purification Technology, 19, 183-197, 2000.
- M. M. Cardoso, R. M. C. Viegas, J. P. S. G. Crespo, “Kinetics of Phenylalanine Extraction and Reextraction by Cationic Reversed Micelles Using a Diffusion Cell”, Chem. Eng. Sci., 55, 2835 – 2847, 2000.
- Maria M. Cardoso, Mário J. Barradas, Karl H. Kroner, João G. Crespo, “Amino acid solubilization in cationic reversed micelles: factors affecting amino acid and water transfer”, J. Chem. Tech. Biotech., 74, 801-811, 1999.
- M. M. Cardoso, R. M. C. Viegas, J. P. S. G. Crespo, “Kinetics of Phenylalanine Extraction and Reextraction by Cationic Reversed Micelles Using a Diffusion Cell”, Chem. Eng. Sci., 55, 2835 – 2847, 2000.
- Maria M. Cardoso, Mário J. Barradas, Karl H. Kroner, João G. Crespo, “Amino acid solubilization in cationic reversed micelles: factors affecting amino acid and water transfer”, J. Chem. Tech. Biotech., 74, 801-811, 1999.
- M. M. Cardoso, R. M. C. Viegas, J. P. S. G. Crespo, “Extraction and re-extraction of phenylalanine by cationic reversed micelles in hollow fibre contactors”, J. Membrane Science, 156, 303-319, 1999.
- Maria Margarida Cardoso, Mário João Barradas, Manuel Teixeira Carrondo, Karl Heinz Kroner, João Goulão Crespo, “Mechanisms of amino acid partitioning in cationic reversed micelles”, Bioseparation, 7, 65-78, 1998.
- M. M. Cardoso, C. M. Mendes, M. J. T. Carrondo, K. H. Kroner, W. -D. Deckwer and J. P. S. G. Crespo “ Determination of Liquid Membrane Resistance to Amino Acid Transport by Ion-Pairing”, in Separations for Biotechnology, Vol.3, pag. 93 - 99, Ed. D. L. Pyle, Elsevier Sci. Publ. Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 1994.