Gas Adsorption Science & Technology
Materials Science for Gas Adsorption: Development, Formulation and Characterization
Gas Adsorption Process Development
Membranes for Gas Separation
Biorefinery Concept
Additive Manufacturing
Ionic Liquids
Ferreira, T.J.; Esteves, L.M.; Esperança, J.M.S.S.; Esteves, I.A.A.C. “Unveiling the Temperature Influence on the Sorptive Behaviour of ZIF-8 Composite Materials Impregnated with [CnMIM][B(CN)4] Ionic Liquids”. Processes, 10, 247 (2022), DOI: 10.3390/pr10020247
Elena Surra, Rui P.P.L. Ribeiro, Tiago Santos, Maria Bernardo, José P.B. Mota, Nuno Lapa, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, “Evaluation of activated carbons produced from Maize Cob Waste for adsorption-based CO2 separation and biogas upgrading”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, V.10, Issue 1, 107065 (2022), DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2021.107065
Ortiz-Albo, P.; Ferreira, T.J.; Martins, C.F.; Alves, V.; Esteves, I.A.A.C.; Cunha-Silva, L.; Kumakiri, I.; Crespo, J.; Neves, L.A. “Impact of Ionic Liquid Structure and Loading on Gas Sorption and Permeation for ZIF-8-Based Composites and Mixed Matrix Membranes”. Membranes, 12, 13 (2021), DOI: 10.3390/ membranes12010013
Inês C. Ferreira, Tiago J. Ferreira, André D.S. Barbosa, Baltazar de Castro, Rui P.P.L. Ribeiro, Vítor D. Alves, Luís Cunha-Silva, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Luísa A. Neves, “Cr-based MOF/IL composites as fillers in mixed matrix membranes for CO2 separation”, Separation and Purification Technology, 276, 119303 (2021), DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2021.119303
Maria Bernardo*, Nuno Lapa, Isabel Fonseca and Isabel A.A.C. Esteves*, “Biomass Valorization for the Production of Porous Carbons and their Application in Biogas Upgrading and CO2 Capture - A Mini-Review”, Frontiers in Energy Research – Bioenergy and Biofuels, Special Issue Advanced Biofuel Production and Cascading Bioenergy Systems, 9, 625188 (2021), DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.625188
J. Barreto, D. Martins, M.B.C. Branco, R.P.P.L. Ribeiro, I.A.A.C. Esteves, J.P.B. Mota, J.B. Branco, A.P. Gonçalves, T. Tirolien and G. Bonfait, “80 K vibration-free cooler for potential future Earth observation missions”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 755, 012016 (2020), DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/755/1/012016
Rui P.P.L. Ribeiro, Jorge Barreto, Mário D. Grosso Xavier, Daniel Martins, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Moritz Branco, Thierry Tirolien, José P.B. Mota, Grégoire Bonfait, “Cryogenic neon adsorption on Co3(ndc)3(dabco) metal-organic framework”, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 298, 110055 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2020.110055
Maria Bernardo, Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Yvonne Ringelspacher, Gero C. Becker, Nuno Lapa, Isabel Fonseca, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Andrea Kruse, “Porous carbons derived from hydrothermally treated biogas digestate”, Waste Management, 105, 110-179 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.02.011
Ferreira Tiago J., Vera Ana T., de Moura Beatriz A., Esteves Laura M., Tariq Mohammad, Esperança José M. S. S., Esteves Isabel A. A. C., “Paramagnetic Ionic Liquid/Metal Organic Framework Composites for CO2/CH4 and CO2/N2 Separations”, Frontiers in Chemistry, 8, 1087 (2020), DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.590191
T. J. Ferreira, R. P. P. L. Ribeiro, J. P. B. Mota, L. P. N. Rebelo, J. M. S. S. Esperança and I. A.A.C. Esteves, “Ionic Liquid-Impregnated Metal−Organic Frameworks for CO2/CH4 Separation”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2, 12, 7933-7950 (2019), DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.9b01936
Rui P.P.L. Ribeiro, Christine L. Antunes, Aiala U. Garate, André F. Portela, Marta G. Plaza, José P.B. Mota, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, “Binderless shaped metal-organic framework particles: Impact on carbon dioxide adsorption”, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 275, February 2019, 111-121 (2019), DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2018.08.002
Elena Surra, Maria Bernardo, Nuno Lapa, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Isabel Fonseca, José P.B. Mota, “Biomethane Production through Anaerobic co-Digestion with Maize Cob Waste based on a Bio-Refinery Concept: A Review”, Journal of Environmental Management, 249, Article number 109351 (2019), DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109351
Ana Rita Nabais, Rui P. P. L. Ribeiro, José P. B. Mota, Vítor D. Alves, Isabel A. A. C, Esteves, Luísa A. Neves, “CO2/N2 Gas Separation using Fe(BTC)-based Mixed Matrix Membranes: A view on the adsorptive and filler properties of Metal-Organic Frameworks”, Separation and Purification Technology, 202, August 2018, 174-184 (2018), DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2018.03.028
Catalina Rodriguez Correa, Maria Bernardo, Rui P.P.L. Ribeiro, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Andrea Kruse, “Evaluation of hydrothermal carbonization as a preliminary step for the production of functional materials from biogas digestate”, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 124, 461–474 (2017), DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2017.02.014.
Bárbara C.R. Camacho, Rui P.P.L. Ribeiro, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, José P.B. Mota, “Adsorption Equilibrium of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen on MIL-53(Al) Metal-Organic Framework”, Sep. Pur. Technol., 141, 150-159 (2015), DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2014.11.040
Rui P.P.L. Ribeiro, Ricardo J.S. Silva, Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, José P.B. Mota, “Development, Construction and Operation of a Multi-Sample Volumetric Apparatus for the Study of Gas Adsorption Equilibrium”, Journal of Chemical Education, 94(4), 757–761 (2015), DOI: 10.1021/ed500633h
Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Fernando J.A.L. Cruz, Erich A. Müller, Sandeep Agnihotri, José P.B. Mota, “Determination of the surface area and porosity of carbon nanotube bundles from a Langmuirian analysis of sub- and supercritical adsorption data”, Carbon, 47 (4): 948-956 (2009), DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2008.11.044
Isabel A.A.C. Esteves, Marta S.S. Lopes, Pedro M.C. Nunes, José P.B. Mota, “Adsorption of Natural Gas and Biogas Components on Activated Carbon”, Sep. Pur. Technol., 62: 281-296 (2008), DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2008.01.027
Isabel A.A.C. Esteves and José P.B. Mota, “Hybrid Membrane/PSA Processes for CO2/N2 Separation”, Adsorption Science and Technology, 25 (9): 693-715 (2007), DOI: 10.1260/026361707785082378
Esteves, IAAC; Mota, JPB, “Gas separation by a novel hybrid Membrane/Pressure swing adsorption process”, Ind. Eng Chem. Res., 46 (17):5723-5733 (2007), DOI: 10.1021/ie070139j