

General Procedures

Doctoral Programs of the Department of Chemistry


Note: Upon enrollment in a doctoral program, the student and their main supervisor will be informed by the coordinator of the respective program of any additional and/or specific regulations.

Support Secretary for Doctoral Programs: Dr. Bárbara Costa

Initial Information Required:

  • Names of supervisor(s) and co-supervisor(s)
  • Thesis Title + Summary (optional)
  • CAT (Thesis Monitoring Committee), established during the 1st year – Composition of the CAT:
    supervisors and a minimum of 2 professors or researchers: 1 internal member (who can act as the CAT president, provided they are the most senior) and 1 external member to NOVA-FCT. The CAT proposal must be submitted using the appropriate form, available at the department secretariat, duly signed by the student and sent to the Doctoral Program Scientific Committee for validation and subsequently to the department's secretary for approval by the Department Council.
  • Study Plan – At the beginning of the doctoral program, the student must define, in collaboration with their supervisor, the courses they will enroll in and inform the Doctoral Program Coordinator to include the study plan in the academic system (Clip).

Students should inform their supervisor and the Doctoral Program Coordinator whenever they receive correspondence from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) regarding tuition fee transfers.

Transversal Skills
Students should visit the NOVA Doctoral School website (link) and select courses offered to complete at least 3 credits of the curricular plan (mandatory).

Thesis Project
The Thesis Project consists of a seminar with a public presentation (15–20 minutes) to be conducted by the end of the 1st year (ideally) in the presence of the CAT, which should previously receive a proposed Thesis Plan (see template "Proposta_de_plano_de_tese" on Clip). The presentation must be announced in the Faculty via the daily bulletin (contact the secretariat: Bárbara Costa at ibc@fct.unl.pt).

At the end of the public presentation and discussion, the CAT prepares a report (see template "Relatorio_de_aceitacao_do_plano-de-tese" on Clip) and assigns a grade.

Final CAT Meeting for Thesis Submission Approval
Before the meeting, the candidate must send the CAT the thesis document and their CV.
The CAT must prepare a report regarding the thesis submission (file: "Relatório da CAT sobre submissão da tese" on Clip).

After this meeting, the student must email the report to the Doctoral Program Coordinator, with a copy to Bárbara Costa (dq.posgraduacoes@fct.unl.pt), along with the supervisors’ approval document and the doctoral examination request. (Files: "Parecer do(s) Orientador(es) sobre submissão da tese" on Clip; "Pedido de Provas Doutoramento" on Clip).

The Doctoral Program Coordinator will proceed with the process.