The Portuguese delegation achieved its best result ever at the European Experimental Science Olympiad 2024 (EOES 2024), obtaining honourable fourth and ninth place with gold and silver medals, making it the second best country, only surpassed by Germany. The results were achieved with the support of José Esperança, a researcher at NOVA FCT's Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry (LAQV-REQUIMTE), as a chemistry mentor appointed by the Sociedade Portuguesa de Química. The mentors involved organize the students' preparation sessions and accompany them to the European competition.
"The students' results are a source of pride and the repercussion of the hard work and commitment of everyone involved," said José Esperança.
The Portuguese delegation was in Luxembourg from 7 to 14 April 2024, where this edition of the EOES took place.
The European Experimental Science Olympiad (EOES) is an annual science Olympiad for young people from the European Union that focuses on skills in the disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry. These Olympiads emphasize experimental skills, such as the correct processing of information, the handling of equipment, experimental execution, and data acquisition, although theoretical knowledge is also very important.
The Portuguese participation in the EOES is jointly organized by the Direção-Geral da Educação, Sociedade Portuguesa de Física, Sociedade Portuguesa de Química and Ordem dos Biólogos.
Portugal was represented by two teams and achieved positions in the top 10.
Team A, which won three gold medals, was made up of students Rodrigo Marques, from Escola Secundária Adolfo Portela, in Águeda, Gabriela Silva and Tomás Faria, both from Colégio Moderno in Lisboa.
Team B, which won three silver medals, was made up of students Afonso Benevides, from Escola Secundária Domingos Rebelo, in Açores, Matilde Augusto, from Escola Secundária Alves Martins, in Viseu, and Pedro Silva, from Escola Secundária Emídio Navarro, in Viseu.
In addition to the chemistry mentor José Esperança, the teams had also the physics mentorship of João Cruz (LIBPhys, REAL, NOVA FCT) and biology mentorship of Pedro Oliveira (Ordem dos Biólogos). The teams were coordinated by Catarina Ramos from DGE.