

Arquivo de notícias de May de 2024

Cecília Roque, leader of the Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory at UCIBIO-NOVA FCT was distinguished with a European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept grant with the project UNMASK: Unraveling Parkinson ́s disease diagnostic. 

The delegation, which was mentored in chemistry by LAQV-REQUIMTE, received gold and silver medals

This work was recently published in Nature Chemical Biology. 


Estamos atentos aos problemas da indústria e queremos que a investigação que fazemos na NOVA FCT tenha impacto nas várias vertentes, económica, social e ambiental. A seleção da solução proposta pela nossa equipa demonstra uma clara aposta da indústria farmacêutica em aplicações mais verdes e sustentáveis.”, afirma Ana Rita Duarte.


ALERT-PFAS will offer advanced technologies that will make it possible to detect and monitor toxic substances in real time, preventing their accumulation and dispersal in the environment.
