


TRANSNATIONAL MEETING #1, which brought together project members from around the world, aimed to present and discuss the project work packages that have already been completed, finalise the results for presentation in August 2024 and plan future activities. 

The NOVA FCT once again joined the Global Women’s Breakfast - GWB, this year under the theme Catalysing Diversity in Science

The #2024IBiCC aimed to provide a forum to discuss all Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry topics, particularly those on the frontier with Catalysis, Energy, Materials, Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 


Cecília Roque, leader of the Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory at UCIBIO-NOVA FCT was distinguished with a European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept grant with the project UNMASK: Unraveling Parkinson ́s disease diagnostic. 

The delegation, which was mentored in chemistry by LAQV-REQUIMTE, received gold and silver medals

This work was recently published in Nature Chemical Biology. 


Estamos atentos aos problemas da indústria e queremos que a investigação que fazemos na NOVA FCT tenha impacto nas várias vertentes, económica, social e ambiental. A seleção da solução proposta pela nossa equipa demonstra uma clara aposta da indústria farmacêutica em aplicações mais verdes e sustentáveis.”, afirma Ana Rita Duarte.


ALERT-PFAS will offer advanced technologies that will make it possible to detect and monitor toxic substances in real time, preventing their accumulation and dispersal in the environment.


Cecília Roque, professor at DQ-FCT NOVA and principal researcher at UCIBIO, has been distinguished with a European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept grant with the project "ENSURE: Non-invasive follow-up of urinary tract cancers" aiming to validate the technological and business feasibility of an innovative method for the non-invasive follow-up of bladder cancer patients.


Investigadores do Departamento de Química da FCT NOVA estão entre os investigadores incluídos na "World’s Top 2% Scientists list", na última atualização ao ranking dos cientistas mais citados a nível mundial. O estudo, coordenado por John Ioannidis, da Universidade de Stanford, teve como suporte a Scopus, uma base de dados online internacional de artigos científicos, e respectivas citações, em diversas tipologias, para jornais e revistas académicas.
