

The Department of Chemistry at NOVA FCT hosts the TRANSNATIONAL MEETING #1 of the Tradinnovations project - Erasmus+ | Cooperation partnership


As part of the European Project "Tradinnovations: An advanced interdisciplinary educational approach to support innovation within food heritage adapted to specific populations needs", the TRANSNATIONAL MEETING #1 was held on 4 and 5 July 2024, bringing together members of the project from around the world. The meeting aimed to present and discuss the work packages that have already been carried out and finalize the results for the project presentation in August 2024.

The meeting was opened by the Chair of the Chemistry Department, NOVA FCT, Prof Ana Aguiar-Ricardo; the Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Gastronomic Sciences (NOVA FCT), Ana Lourenço; and the Associate Professor in Food Sciences and Engineering (IA France), Reine Barbar; as well as a presentation of the NOVA FCT Gastronomic Sciences MSc and the project by Professors Paulina Mata and Bruno Leite.

In addition, the participants of the meeting had moments of leisure and sharing and got to know NOVA FCT's facilities, with visits to the laboratories.

Tradinnovations project - Erasmus+ | Cooperation partnership - starting point is the scientific study of food heritage and its adaptation for population with specific needs, as a framework for education, not only in food science, but also in other disciplines such as social sciences and humanities, allowing for multidisciplinary approaches and cross-fertilization between a broad range of sciences.

The consortium consists of 6 academic partners from 6 European countries. 8 associate partners join from 4 different countries: France: Institut Agro 2; Ireland: Technological University Dublin; Spain: Polytechnic University of Valencia; Slovenia: University of Ljubljana; Finland: University of Turku; and Portugal: NOVA School of Science and Technology.